- 下载源代码。
- 从 Github 下载 Source code.tar.gz 源代码,通过命令行中提取该存档:
cd /opt
mkdir /opt/lina-v3.10.17
wget -O /opt/lina-v3.10.17.tar.gz https://github.com/jumpserver/lina/archive/refs/tags/v3.10.17.tar.gz
tar -xf lina-v3.10.17.tar.gz -C /opt/lina-v3.10.17 --strip-components 1
- 安装 Node。
- 从 Node 官方网站参考文档部署 Node.js,请根据 环境要求,通过命令行中判断是否安装完成:
cd /opt/lina-v3.10.17
npm install -g yarn
yarn install
sed -i "s@Version <strong>.*</strong>@Version <strong>v3.10.17</strong>@g" src/layout/components/Footer/index.vue
vi .env.development
# 全局环境变量 请勿随意改动
ENV = 'development'
# base api
# vue-cli uses the VUE_CLI_BABEL_TRANSPILE_MODULES environment variable,
# to control whether the babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node plugin is enabled.
# It only does one thing by converting all import() to require().
# This configuration can significantly increase the speed of hot updates,
# when you have a large number of pages.
# Detail: https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli/blob/dev/packages/@vue/babel-preset-app/index.js
# External auth
VUE_APP_LOGIN_PATH = '/core/auth/login/'
VUE_APP_LOGOUT_PATH = '/core/auth/logout/'
# Dev server for core proxy
VUE_APP_CORE_HOST = 'http://localhost:8080' # 修改成 Core 的 url 地址
VUE_APP_CORE_WS = 'ws://localhost:8070'
VUE_APP_ENV = 'development'
yarn build
cp -rf lina lina-v3.10.17
tar -czf lina-v3.10.17.tar.gz lina-v3.10.17